2023 New Mexico Journal of Science

2023 New Mexico Journal of Science

The New Mexico Journal of Science (NMJS) is a journal of scientific papers of topics concerning science in New Mexico. Recent years have featured winning papers from the New Mexico Junior Academy of Science Paper Competition and abstracts from the NMAS Research Symposium.Current Issue, volume 57
NMJS 2023, Volume 57 – Complete digital edition ...
2022 New Mexico Journal of Science

2022 New Mexico Journal of Science

The New Mexico Journal of Science (NMJS) is a journal of scientific papers of topics concerning science in New Mexico. Recent years have featured winning papers from the New Mexico Junior Academy of Science Paper Competition and abstracts from the NMAS Research Symposium.Current Issue, volume 56
NMJS 2022, Volumer 56 – Complete digital edition ...
NMJS accepting manuscripts for the 2023 issue

NMJS accepting manuscripts for the 2023 issue

The New Mexico Journal of Science is accepting papers for consideration for the next issue (2023). All papers are subject to a peer review process. There is no cost to authors for publishing and all papers will be open-source accessed. Papers can be from a variety of scientific disciplines. All ...
NMJS accepting manuscripts for the 2022 issue

NMJS accepting manuscripts for the 2022 issue

The New Mexico Journal of Science is accepting papers for consideration for our upcoming issue. All papers are subject to a peer review process. There is no cost to authors for publishing and all previous papers can be open source accessed. Papers can be from a variety of scientific disciplines. All novel and previously unpublished ...
New Mexico Journal of Science - Archives

New Mexico Journal of Science – Archives

Full digital editions NMJS 2023, V57, Full issue | contributed papers
NMJS 2022, V56, Full issue | invited papers 
NMJS 2021, V55, Full issue | invited papers 
NMJS 2020, V54, No 1 – Invited papers (Full issue | Index)
NMJS 2020, V54, No2 – Student papers (Full issue | Index)
NMJS  2019, V 53, No ...
For authors

For authors

The New Mexico Journal of Science accepts papers for consideration for upcoming issues. All papers are subject to a peer review process. There is no cost to authors for publishing and all previous papers can be open-source accessed. Papers can be from a variety of scientific disciplines. All novel and previously unpublished work will be ...